Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

5 Find these sentences in the text. What do have to and don’t have to mean? At Nauryz, everyone has…

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс

5 Find these sentences in the text. What do have

to and don’t have to mean?

At Nauryz, everyone has to drink Nauryz kozhe.

Students don’t have to go to school on 21ST, 22ND

and 23RD March.

Помогите пожалуйста я не справляюсь

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • vladick13
    04.08.2024 | 22:18


    The sentences you provided are:

    «At Nauryz, everyone has to drink Nauryz kozhe.»
    «Students don’t have to go to school on 21ST, 22ND and 23RD March.»
    In these sentences:

    «Has to» means that there is an obligation or requirement for everyone to drink Nauryz kozhe during Nauryz.
    «Don’t have to» means that there is no obligation or requirement for students to go to school on the specified dates (21st, 22nd, and 23rd March). They are not required to attend school on these particular days.

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Ищете решение задачи по 5 Find these sentences in the text. What do have to and don't have to mean? At Nauryz, everyone has to drink Nauryz kozhe. Students don't have to go to school on 21ST, 22ND and 23RD March. Помогите пожалуйста я не справляюсь? Узнайте, как решить задачу для школьников 5 - 9 класс, и читайте обсуждения на тему Английский язык. Ответы уже доступны. Задавайте свои вопросы и становитесь частью нашего сообщества экспертов!