Complete the sentence with the word Her father writes a rticles for newspapers. He’s a —
Complete the sentence with the word Her father writes a rticles for newspapers. He’s a —
Перетворити в пасивний стан::: Freelance journalist sells the articles to different newspapers
перетворити в пасивний стан::: Freelance journalist sells the articles to different newspapers
Help please,помогите мне пожалуйста,нужно сделать задание по тексту WHAT MAKES A GOOD JOURNALIST? «What…
Help please,помогите мне пожалуйста,нужно сделать задание по тексту
WHAT MAKES A GOOD JOURNALIST? «What makes a good journalist? Many things. Even journalists will disagree on the order of impor- tance of the qualities that go to make a good journalist.’ But they are all agreed that paramount in the make-up of a journalist is a deep and genuine interest in people — good people, bad people (who often make good news!), famous people, humble people, rich people, poor people, old people, young people, Black people, White people — people of every type — everywhere. A person who has not this interest in other people will never make a good journalist. So if you are not very interested in other people and think that most people are a bit of a nuisance» and you prefer not to have any- thing more to do with them than is necessary, journalism is not for you. Hand in hand’ with this interest in people, should go the qualities of sympathy» (so that you can see the other side of an issue even if you dis- agree with the person who holds it), open-mindedness’ (so that you do not make a hasty ill-informed judgement*) and an inquiring mind (so that you can really get to the bottom of the thing you are asking about). Last, but certainly not least, the journalist needs to have humility, That does 10 not mean that he goes around like a Sunday School teacher! But it does 1 12 mean» that the man who thinks he is a pretty clever chap and does not mind the world knowing about it, will never make a good journalist. The journalist — certainly the reporter — spends most of his day talking or lis- tening to other people, and none of us is very fond of the man who is a show-off, who thinks he knows it all. So these are the basic qualities for a journalist, but the required quali- fications are very different things. Let us look at the qualifications a journalist needs. Obviously he must be well enough educated to be able to write fairly clearly in whatever language it is he hopes to work in. The best journalists write simple, plain, direct English, generally preferring short words to long ones. What about the rest of the educational qualifications for a journalist? Often it is the pupil who was fairly good at five or six subjects, and not brilliant at just one, who makes the best journalist. These sort of people [5 seem rather better balanced, as it were, for the sort of life a journalist leads — often with a nose in half a dozen things in one day — than the spe- cialist, who was so interested in, say, biology, that he never took much interest in history, geography, literature and other subjects. But of course, nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career in journalism are. They will vary enormously, according to the individual. There are plenty of highly successful journalists who were generally at the bottom of the class when they were at school, while many a man journalism. an with a university degree has failed to make any mark in
A. Fill in the blanks with who, which, that or whose. There may be more than or 1. That man is the writer….
A. Fill in the blanks with who, which, that or whose. There may be more than or 1. That man is the writer. wrote a best-selling novel. 2. Here is the CD. 3. A profesor is someone. 4. The only present. 5. A meteorologist is someone. 6. This is the building. you thought you had lost. teaches in a university. I didn’t like was the gold belt. knows about the weather. I wrote to you about. wants to join the drama society must sign up now. is so expensive. 7. Anybody. 8. This is the shop. 9. Ciro’s was the best club. 10. The tower. 11. What’s the name of the man. car you borrowed? I have ever been to. blew down in the storm was over 100 years old.
My dad coaches a local. in his free time. A) restaurant B) youth club C) football team
My dad coaches a local. in his free time. A) restaurant B) youth club C) football team
Read the text again and complete the sentences with one, two or three words. 1. Karen___ her dad when…
Read the text again and complete the sentences with one, two or three words. 1. Karen___ her dad when she was a girl. 2. After karts, Karen raced___. 3. Motor racing is ___in the UK. 4. In the future, more women will become ___. 5. Karen hasn’t got a lot of ___this year. 6. Her dad needs to find more ___this year.
Circle the correct item. 1) What kind of information gave / was given on the first page of this newspaper…
Circle the correct item. 1) What kind of information gave / was given on the first page of this newspaper yesterday? 2) This article describes / is described the advantages of e-books. 3) This actor often invites / is often invited to different shows. 4) His articles always read / are always read with great interest. 5) A poster of this band printed/ was printed last month. 6) This website provides / is provided us with the latest news. 7) Interviews with celebrities often publish / are often published in this magazine. Journalists asked / were asked the Prime Minister a lot of questions.
Ord families Complete the sentences with the noun or adjective the words in capitals. form of 1 GENEROUS…
ord families Complete the sentences with the noun or adjective the words in capitals. form of 1 GENEROUS a We want to thank all our guests for their aenerositys We got some wonderful wedding presents. b Kerry’s parents paid for her holiday this year. They have always been very generous 2 LOYAL a Real football fans are b to their teams when they are doing well and when they are doing badly is very important for young men in the gangs of Los Angeles. MODEST a I really admire Lucy’s She got fantastic exam results, but she didn’t tell everyone at school. b You’re too hundreds of people Your charity work has helped LAZY a Most adults think all teenagers are just not true. Most of us work very hard. b Tim’s not really ill — it’s. want to do any work. RESPONSIBLE It’s He just doesn’t a You are sixteen now and you have to take for your actions b My parents are looking for a look after our garden BRAVE a Your little sister was very She didn’t cry or complain person to at the dentist’s. Male Emperor Penguins are well known for their They look after their eggs for months in the long, cold and dark Antarctic winter
5. Family. Look at Carmen’s family tree and complete the text with the words from the box.
5. Family. Look at Carmen’s family tree and complete the text with the words from the box.
My father’s wife is my . . My parent’s son is my .,. My parent’s daughter is my My mother’s husband…
My father’s wife is my . .
My parent’s son is my .,.
My parent’s daughter is my
My mother’s husband is my
My mother’s father is my.
My father’s sister is my
My mother’s brother is my
My father’s mother is my
My mother’s sister is my
My uncle’s son is my
My aunt’s son is my
Peter is his uncle’s
Ann is her aunt’s . .
. .
Помогите ответить на вопросы по тексту Exercise 3. Answer the following questions about the text: 1….
Помогите ответить на вопросы по тексту
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions about the text:
1. What quality is the most important in the make-up of a future journalist?
2. What kind of people should a journalist be interested in?
3. What other qualities are essential for a future journalist?
4. Why is it necessary for a future journalist to have sympathy for other people?
5. Why aren’t people usually fond of a person who is a show-off and thinks that he knows everything?
6. Why does the author think that a journalist needs humility?
7. How should a journalist write?
8. Is it good if a journalist uses very long sentences? Why?
9. Is it better for a future journalist to be good at several subjects than to be brilliant at just one? Why?
10. What kind of life does a journalist usually lead?
11. What kind of conclusion does the author come to?
12. Do you agree with the author’s conclusion? Give your reasons.
«What makes a good journalist?
Many things. Even journalists will disagree on the order of importance of the qualities that go to make a good journalist. But they are all agreed that paramount in the make-up of a journalist is a deep and genuine interest in people — good people, bad people (who often make good news!), famous people, humble people, rich people, poor people, old people, young people, Black people, White people — people of every type — everywhere.
A person who has not this interest in other people will never make a good journalist. So if you are not very interested in other people and think that most people are a bit of a nuisance and you prefer not to have anything more to do with them than is necessary, journalism is not for you.
Hand in hand with this interest in people, should go the qualities of sympathy (so that you can see the other side of an issue even if you disagree with the person who holds it), open-mindedness (so that you do not make a hasty ill-informed judgement) and an inquiring mind (so that you can really get to the bottom of the thing you are asking about). Last, but certainly not least, the journalist needs to have humility. That does not mean that he goes around like a Sunday School teacher! But it does mean that the man who thinks he is a pretty clever chap and does not mind the world knowing about it, will never make a good journalist. The journalist — certainly the reporter — spends most of his day talking or listening to other people, and none of us is very fond of the man who is a show-off, who thinks he knows it all.
So these are the basic qualities for a journalist, but the required qualifications are very different things.
Let us look at the qualifications a journalist needs. Obviously he must be well enough educated to be able to write fairly clearly in whatever language it is he hopes to work in. The best journalists write simple, plain, direct English, generally preferring short words to long ones.
What about the rest of the educational qualifications for a journalist? Often it is the pupil who was fairly good at five or six subjects, and not brilliant at just one, who makes the best journalist. These sort of people seem rather better balanced, as it were, for the sort of life a journalist leads — often with a nose in half a dozen things in one day — than the specialist, who was so interested in, say, biology, that he never took much interest in history, geography, literature and other subjects.
But of course, nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career in journalism are. They will vary enormously, according to the individual. There are plenty of highly successful journalists who were generally at the bottom of the class when they were at school, while many a man with a university degree has failed to make any mark in journalism.
Дам сто (100) баллов внизу смотрите за качество иzвините;)
дам сто (100) баллов
внизу смотрите
за качество иzвините;)
Эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
Срочно! С каждым словом сделать предложение. Architect Cleaner Computer programmer Dentist Engineer…
С каждым словом сделать предложение.
Computer programmer
Factory worker
Tour guide
Badly paid
To make money
To manage
To put
To explore
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. yesterday / in / we / the / were / park . Sunday…
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
yesterday / in / we / the / were / park .
Sunday / they / to / cinema / the / last / went.
spent / day / the / boating / boys / all.
did / your / shirt / yellow / buy / where / you ?
had / with / the / on /1 / dinner / night / family / Tuesday .
play / football / the / didn’t / Keith / in / street.
abroad / did / last / travel / summer / you ?
Ответьте пожалуйста(10б)
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch)…
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch) a DVD in the evening. He ………….(have) a cup of tea in the eveving. He ………………(not/go) to bed at 10:00.
У кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
у кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
Образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
Whereas, their preparation considerable physical effort and great artistry. Therefore, I am happy with…
Whereas, their preparation
considerable physical effort and great artistry.
Therefore, I am happy with every
of my favourite sportsmen as my own.
However, it is necessary for
new records
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
(Одного слова хватит)