Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

. Match the sentences with their response 1. Is it your size? A) Really? Thank you very much. 2. It…

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс

. Match the sentences with their response

1. Is it your size? A) Really? Thank you very much.

2. It matches the colour of your eyes. B) Yes, this top fits perfectly.

3. How much are they? C) Thank you. It’s wonderful!

4. Here’s my present. I hope you like it. D) They’re £ 18

Ответов к вопросу: 2
  • jenya06032009
    08.09.2024 | 13:58

    1.Is it your size?-B.Yes,this top fits perfectly.

    2.It matches the colour of your eyes.-A.Really?Thank you very much.

    3.How much are they?-D.They’re £18.

    4.Here’s my present.I hope you like it.C.Thank you.It’s wonderful!

  • kanenlen2005
    08.09.2024 | 14:12

    1. Is it your size? C)
    2. It matches the colour of your eyes. A)
    3. How much are they? D)
    4. Here’s my present. I hope you like it. B)

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Нужны ответы на задачу по . Match the sentences with their response 1. Is it your size? A) Really? Thank you very much. 2. It matches the colour of your eyes. B) Yes, this top fits perfectly. 3. How much are they? C) Thank you. It’s wonderful! 4. Here’s my present. I hope you like it. D) They’re £ 18? Читайте множественные решения и рекомендации от участников. Ответы на этот вопрос [Наличие ответов: если есть ответы, то 'уже доступны', если нет — 'пока нет']. Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу, задавайте вопросы и делитесь своим опытом с другими.