Заполни пропуски словами am, is, are
1. He ___ walking.
2. They ___ talking.
3. I ___ reading.
4.She ___ writing.
5. You ___ jumping.
6. We ___ making a sandcastle.
7. I ___ driving a car.
8. She ___ painting a picture.
9. You __ playing the piano.
10. They ___ watching TV.
2.Вычеркни лишнее слово(в скобках, на русском языке объясни,почему это слово лишнее):
riding, soccer, driving, painting
is, am, have, are
he, she, we, are
am, they`re, he`s, we`re
3.Найди подходящие ответы на вопросы 1-6
4.Заполни пропуски словами из списка.
and, having, in, are, of
We are 1)________ the park today. There are a lot 2) ________ people here. The children are 3)_____________ a good timr. The boys are playing soccer 4)___________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________ talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful!
5.Открой скобки, используя Present Cotinuous.(вставь AM/are/is) а к глаголу добавь окончание -ing
Заполни пропуски словами am, is, are
1. He ___ walking.
2. They ___ talking.
3. I ___ reading.
4.She ___ writing.
5. You ___ jumping.
6. We ___ making a sandcastle.
7. I ___ driving a car.
8. She ___ painting a picture.
9. You __ playing the piano.
10. They ___ watching TV.
2.Вычеркни лишнее слово(в скобках, на русском языке объясни,почему это слово лишнее):
riding, soccer, driving, painting
is, am, have, are
he, she, we, are
am, they`re, he`s, we`re
3.Найди подходящие ответы на вопросы 1-6
4.Заполни пропуски словами из списка.
and, having, in, are, of
We are 1)________ the park today. There are a lot 2) ________ people here. The children are 3)_____________ a good timr. The boys are playing soccer 4)___________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________ talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful!
5.Открой скобки, используя Present Cotinuous.(вставь AM/are/is) а к глаголу добавь окончание -ing
2. are
3. am
4. is
5. are
6. are
7. am
8. is
9. are
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