Заполни пропуски словами am, is, are
1. He ___ walking.
2. They ___ talking.
3. I ___ reading.
4.She ___ writing.
5. You ___ jumping.
6. We ___ making a sandcastle.
7. I ___ driving a car.
8. She ___ painting a picture.
9. You __ playing the piano.
10. They ___ watching TV.
2.Вычеркни лишнее слово(в скобках, на русском языке объясни,почему это слово лишнее):
riding, soccer, driving, painting
is, am, have, are
he, she, we, are
am, they`re, he`s, we`re
3.Найди подходящие ответы на вопросы 1-6
4.Заполни пропуски словами из списка.
and, having, in, are, of
We are 1)________ the park today. There are a lot 2) ________ people here. The children are 3)_____________ a good timr. The boys are playing soccer 4)___________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________ talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful!
5.Открой скобки, используя Present Cotinuous.(вставь AM/are/is) а к глаголу добавь окончание -ing
Заполни пропуски словами am, is, are
1. He ___ walking.
2. They ___ talking.
3. I ___ reading.
4.She ___ writing.
5. You ___ jumping.
6. We ___ making a sandcastle.
7. I ___ driving a car.
8. She ___ painting a picture.
9. You __ playing the piano.
10. They ___ watching TV.
2.Вычеркни лишнее слово(в скобках, на русском языке объясни,почему это слово лишнее):
riding, soccer, driving, painting
is, am, have, are
he, she, we, are
am, they`re, he`s, we`re
3.Найди подходящие ответы на вопросы 1-6
4.Заполни пропуски словами из списка.
and, having, in, are, of
We are 1)________ the park today. There are a lot 2) ________ people here. The children are 3)_____________ a good timr. The boys are playing soccer 4)___________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________ talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful!
5.Открой скобки, используя Present Cotinuous.(вставь AM/are/is) а к глаголу добавь окончание -ing
1. The door must be painted immediately. it’s too dirty.
2. the veranda is being painted by my father now. He is busy doing it.
3. what else are you going to tell me?
4. I want him to paint a new picture.
5. she has painted the door and now she is going to paint the windows.