In organic food production.
biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has
organic ingredients
animal feed
B can help prevent disease.
good living conditions
C can help reduce pests/
D is used as fertiliser
In non-organic food production.
farmers spray
E to prevent and treat
chemical pesticides illness and make
animals eat any type
animals grow faster.
of food
F to increase the growth
livestock are given
of plants
antibiotics & hormones
G to protect crops from
farmers use synthetic
H which can contain
synthetic substances.
In organic food production. biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has compost organic ingredients…
Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very_________________. Some organic food costs…
Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very_________________. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. Parents of young children, and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for organic food if they think it’s healthier. But many others think organic food is just a__________________.
There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use ________________chemicals such as pesticides that stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries foods that claim to be organic must have special labels that guarantee they’re grown organically.
Some people think organic also means «locally grown», and originally this was true. But over time organic farming has become big business, with many organic foods now being grown by large agricultural companies that sell their products far from where they’re grown. Processed food made with organic ________________ has also become more popular. At first, only small companies ________________these products. But as__________________ overtook _______________, big food companies that had been selling non-organic products for many years also began selling organic products. Small organic food companies found it difficult to compete with these big companies, and many didn’t stay in business much longer.
Помогите перевести предложения,обратив внимание на время . 1. Farmers did not know much about nutrients…
Помогите перевести предложения,обратив внимание на время .
1. Farmers did not know much about nutrients in the 17 yh century.
2.After Columbus had discovered America he brought some new varietes of plants to Europa .
3. In 1870 Pavlov entered the University of St.Petersburg where he studied chemistry and physiology .
4. The milk yields have fallen and some animals have become sick.
5.Scientists are going to continue their research in the field of animal nutrition .
6. Nowadays farmers are trying to satisfy the peoples requirements in highly nutritive products.
7. In the past,farmers had much difficulty in feeding cattle during the winter season
8. Two centuries ago farmers used their own practical experience to satisfy animals with feeds .
9. Farmers often produce high-quality butter and cream from milk.
10. Farmers will rely on the record of an individual animal`s ancestors .
11. Chemical genetics remains a basis for all other topics in genetics
12 . At present farmers are using different breeding programmes to improve their herds.
13. They will have returned before you come home.
14. Before the dog attacks a potential enemy ,it will show signs of hostility .
15. Recently ,several organizations have established conservation programmes for endangered domestic breeds of cattle ,sheep and swine .
16. When the weather is rainy,windy and cold,cattle will decrease the grazing time and drink little water.
17. Many naturalists have studied aspects of animal behaviour through the centuries .
18. In 1949 Frisch established that bees use the sun as a compass.
19. Poor preventive measures have resulted in a rapid spread of infection among sheep .
20. If farmers apply modern cultivation practices ,yields of forage crops will be higher.
Прошу,помогите!На колени стану. Нужно расставить заголовки к текстам.Дарю 100 баллов и спасибо) 1. High…
Прошу,помогите!На колени стану. Нужно расставить заголовки к текстам.Дарю 100 баллов и спасибо)
1. High school preparation
2. The newest studies
3. Green activism
4. Looking for new resources
5. More jobs in the future
6. What botany is
7. Useful in so many ways
8. Finding a suitable career
A. Plants are chemical factories. Many of the chemicals that they produce are useful to humans. Besides food, plants provide raw materials for paper, building materials, solvents and adhesives, fabrics, medicines, and many other products. Botanists study the chemicals produced by different plants to find new uses for them. For example, we use some plant chemicals to treat certain types of cancer. B. As humans change the environment for their own purposes, plants and animals living in these areas become endangered. Plant taxonomists and plant ecologists work to identify and understand new plant species, especially in such biologically rich areas as tropical rain forests. Plants of the rain forests are important in their own right, but they could be new sources for people as well. Perhaps a plant that is not discovered yet will become an important food crop. C. The major employers of plant biologists are educational institutions, federal and state agencies, and industries. Job opportunities usually depend on educational training and experience. New positions in botany are expected to increase in the near future. Growing world population continues to increase the need for better food supplies. Environmental concerns, such as air, water and soil pollution, will create openings for ecologists in government and industry. D. One of the best things about plant science is the number of different specialties and career opportunities from which you can choose. This variety allows people with different backgrounds, ta- lents, and interests to find satisfying careers in plant biology. More than many other scientific fields, botany continues to provide opportunities for women as well as men. There are few things more fulfilling than to work in a job that is both fun and a benefit to others. E. To get yourself ready for a career in botany, you should take a college curriculum that includes English, foreign language, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology. Other valuable experiences include taking part in science fairs and science clubs. It also helps to have summer jobs related to biology, such as working in parks, farms, experiment stations, laboratories, camps, or for florists or landscape architects. F. One of the most exciting fields in botany today is biotechnology. Because of very recent advances in genetics, plant scientists have tools to add genes from one plant to another. The potential usefulness of this is amazing. For example, several amino acids required in the human diet are not produced very well by plants. It may be possible to make food crops more nutritious by adding genes to produce these amino acids. G. Botany, also known as plant biology, is the study of plants. It is a scientific discipline based on observation, experimentation, recording, classification, and the testing of hypotheses. This process is called the scientific method. There are many sub-disciplines of botany, such as plant taxonomy, genetics, plant ecology, economic botany, and plant anatomy. Botanists work all over the world both indoors and outdoors in many different jobs.
Check the meaning of the words in the box. Then look at the pictures and complete the text. seeds greenhouses…
Check the meaning of the words in the box.
Then look at the pictures and complete the text.
seeds greenhouses agriculture
protein pastures soil crops fertiliser пожайлуста помогите
1. Why is it advisable to replace regular light bulbs with more efficient ones? 2. Give examples of…
1. Why is it advisable to replace regular light bulbs with more efficient ones? 2. Give examples of items that can be composted. 3. What should we do with the composted product? 4. Why should we should resistant toys? 5. What should we carry with us when we go shopping? 6. (Personal Answer) Which instruction / advice do you consider the most important? Justify.
A) Поставьте абзацы (A-F) в правильном порядке. B) Найдите в тексте и выпишите ответы на вопросы. ·…
A) Поставьте абзацы (A-F) в правильном порядке.
B) Найдите в тексте и выпишите ответы на вопросы.
· What is the profit from fur trade?
· Where was a campaign against cruelty to animals?
A. But for Americans, fur is still a part of the way of life. The fur trade is one of the oldest businesses in North America. Europeans started buying furs from the Indians over 350 years ago. Today it is a $2 billion industry.
B. For some people, fur is a symbol of luxury, wealth and success. For others, it’s a cruel and stupid business.
In many European countries, there have been long campaigns against the fur trade. Often these have been very successful – in Britain fur sales have fallen by 75%.
C.The second way is getting fur from farmers. Farmers keep animals in special fur farms and then kill them when they want their fur.
D. The industry gets fur in two ways. The first way is getting fur from trappers who set traps to catch and kill wild animals.
E. Now some Americans want to stop the fur trade. Their strongest argument is that there are many natural alternatives to fur. It is easy to produce wool and cotton without cruelty to animals or damage to the environment. But still there are others who strongly support the idea of increasing fur farms and animal hunting. What do you think?
F. Last year in North America, people killed nearly 13 million animals because of their fur.
*fur – мех; trapper – охотник, ловец пушного зверя
ВСТАВЬТЕ ПОДХОДЯЩИЕ СЛОВА НА МЕСТЕ ПРОПУСКОВ Growing up on a farm had a (1). influence (2) .my attitude…
Growing up on a farm had a (1). influence (2) .my attitude to the environment. I believe that caring for our planet is not just about air and water pollution, but about a sense of community. This means that we should care about each other and future generations who will have to live on the earth. There is (3). demand (4). fossil fuels to run our cars and factories, which cause air pollution. There is a (5).shortage water and food in some parts of the world. A (7).percentage (8) . the world’s forests are being cut down, and the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger every year. There is agreement among world leaders (10). reasons for (13) .the need for something to be (9). done, but a huge effort is needed to (11) . a difference. We therefore have very (12). our children so that they will learn about the important problems that need to be solved. They can be taught to understand how small everyday things, like recycling, and using the car less often, have a (14) .connection with the health of the whole planet. Otherwise we take the risk (15). giving our children a lifeless, dangerous place to live in.
Задание. Прочитайте и ПИСЬМЕННО переведите текст на русский язык, выполните задания, размещенные до…
Задание. Прочитайте и ПИСЬМЕННО переведите текст на русский язык, выполните задания, размещенные до и после текста ПИСЬМЕННО. Warm up How many people are there in the world? What are the world’s most populated countries? What are the causes of the increasing population growth there? What are the world’s least populated places? In what way do different factors (natural disasters, economic development, etc.) lead to the decrease in the population growth in these regions? Word file limited ограниченный to reduce сокращать survival выживание, выживаемость toincrease увеличивать(ся) todecrease сокращать(ся), уменьшать(ся) to bringsmthout выявлять, обнаруживать growth рост Read the texts and answer the questions IN WRITING FORM. The growing population Some scientists predict that human population will grow to 9 or 10 billion by 2050. The real problem, however, is not the number of people, but the resources they need to live. As most people are meat eaters, we will need more and more meat. Meat and milk production is not cheap as it is closely connected with the health of soils — the source of food for animals. 95 % of the food we eat comes from soil. It means that human health, in some way, depends on soil health. In the 21st century, we have to look for the ways to save our soils from pollution and degradation. If we do not, then our organisms, just like soils, will get polluted.
1. Farmers use fertilizers to make soil grow more food. How is it influencing our health?
2. What does the word “polluted” in the last line mean? How to deal with the growing population In the 18 th century, people believed in progress and thought that society would be developing in a better way. However, the British scientist Thomas Malthus predicted that population growth would bring out the problem of limited resources. The problem is that people start families and produce babies faster than soils can produce food. The growing population, as Malthus said, would lead to the growing need for food and other resources to support human life. One possible solution offered by Thomas Malthus was to control the growth of population. According to Malthus, a person should not marry and have babies unless they have enough money to be able to support their family. However, the world’s overpopulation is not just one problem; it needs more than one solution. Humans need to reduce consumption, reduce and improve the influence of technologies on the environment — to slow or stop the population growth.
1. Do you agree with Thomas Malthus’ views on population growth? What solutions do different countries have to reach in order to control the world’s population growth?
2. Read the information about Hans Rosling. Why, according to Dr Rosling, “the only way of really getting world population growth to stop is to continue to improve child survival to 90 percent”?
&Amp; 2 Match the sentences (1-6) to the problems (A-F) in the pictures. N- 1 We should recycle things…
Match the sentences (1-6) to the problems
(A-F) in the pictures.
1 We should recycle things we don’t need.
2 Factory waste poisons lakes and rivers.
3 Car exhaust fumes and factory smog poison the air.
4 We should turn off the lights when we leave a room.
5 Many animals are disappearing because they are
losing their natural habitats.
6 Companies cut down trees to make roads.
и напишите перевод
4. Fill in: digest, deep, poisoning, scrambled, protect, twisted, dairy, itchy, allergy, prevents. 1…
4. Fill in: digest, deep, poisoning, scrambled, protect, twisted,
dairy, itchy, allergy, prevents.
1 If you start to panic, take four or five.breaths.
2 Water helps you more easily
3 Fish oil supplements help.against illness.
4 Erin has a food.and can’t eat strawberries.
5 Do you want….eggs for breakdast?
6 I’ve ……my ankle so I have to rest it all week.
7.eyes are a symptom of hay fever.
8 You should eat more….products.
9 Drinking milk.high blood pressure.
10 Chris got food.from some seafood.
Дам сто (100) баллов внизу смотрите за качество иzвините;)
дам сто (100) баллов
внизу смотрите
за качество иzвините;)
Эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
Срочно! С каждым словом сделать предложение. Architect Cleaner Computer programmer Dentist Engineer…
С каждым словом сделать предложение.
Computer programmer
Factory worker
Tour guide
Badly paid
To make money
To manage
To put
To explore
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. yesterday / in / we / the / were / park . Sunday…
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
yesterday / in / we / the / were / park .
Sunday / they / to / cinema / the / last / went.
spent / day / the / boating / boys / all.
did / your / shirt / yellow / buy / where / you ?
had / with / the / on /1 / dinner / night / family / Tuesday .
play / football / the / didn’t / Keith / in / street.
abroad / did / last / travel / summer / you ?
Ответьте пожалуйста(10б)
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch)…
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch) a DVD in the evening. He ………….(have) a cup of tea in the eveving. He ………………(not/go) to bed at 10:00.
У кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
у кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
Образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
Whereas, their preparation considerable physical effort and great artistry. Therefore, I am happy with…
Whereas, their preparation
considerable physical effort and great artistry.
Therefore, I am happy with every
of my favourite sportsmen as my own.
However, it is necessary for
new records
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
Получите помощь с решением задачи по In organic food production. biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has compost organic ingredients animal feed B can help prevent disease. good living conditions C can help reduce pests/ disease. D is used as fertiliser 3 In non-organic food production. farmers spray E to prevent and treat chemical pesticides illness and make animals eat any type animals grow faster. of food F to increase the growth livestock are given of plants antibiotics & hormones G to protect crops from pests farmers use synthetic H which can contain ferilisers synthetic substances. N для 5 - 9 класс. В разделе обсуждений вы найдете различные подходы к решению задачи по Английский язык. Ответы на этот вопрос уже добавлены. Наш сайт позволяет вам задавать вопросы и получать ответы от экспертов и других школьников.
In organic food production:
biological pesticides can help reduce pests/diseasecompost is used a fertiliser
animal feed is GMO-free and has organic ingredients
good living conditions can help prevent diseaseIn non-organic food production:
farmers spray chemical pesticides to protect crops from pests.
animals eat any type of food to prevent and treat illness grow faster
livestock are given antibiotics & hormones which can contain synthetic substances
farmers use synthetic fertiliser to increase the growth of plants