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In organic food production. biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has compost organic ingredients…

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс

In organic food production.
biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has
organic ingredients
animal feed
B can help prevent disease.
good living conditions
C can help reduce pests/
D is used as fertiliser
In non-organic food production.
farmers spray
E to prevent and treat
chemical pesticides illness and make
animals eat any type
animals grow faster.
of food
F to increase the growth
livestock are given
of plants
antibiotics & hormones
G to protect crops from
farmers use synthetic
H which can contain
synthetic substances.

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • esmukovairina
    13.09.2024 | 19:53

    In organic food production:
    biological pesticides can help reduce pests/diseasecompost is used a fertiliser

    animal feed is GMO-free and has organic ingredients

    good living conditions can help prevent diseaseIn non-organic food production:
    farmers spray chemical pesticides to protect crops from pests.

    animals eat any type of food to prevent and treat illness grow faster

    livestock are given antibiotics & hormones which can contain synthetic substances

    farmers use synthetic fertiliser to increase the growth of plants

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Получите помощь с решением задачи по In organic food production. biological pesticides A is GMO-free and has compost organic ingredients animal feed B can help prevent disease. good living conditions C can help reduce pests/ disease. D is used as fertiliser 3 In non-organic food production. farmers spray E to prevent and treat chemical pesticides illness and make animals eat any type animals grow faster. of food F to increase the growth livestock are given of plants antibiotics & hormones G to protect crops from pests farmers use synthetic H which can contain ferilisers synthetic substances. N​ для 5 - 9 класс. В разделе обсуждений вы найдете различные подходы к решению задачи по Английский язык. Ответы на этот вопрос уже добавлены. Наш сайт позволяет вам задавать вопросы и получать ответы от экспертов и других школьников.