Выпишите из текста все существительные во множественном числе. Choosing an Occupation. There are many interesting and useful professions, and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. I began to think about my future profession at the age of 15. My favourite subjects at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were well-educated people with deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. Now I know well what I’m going to do after leaving school. I didn’t make a blind choice. It was not a sudden flash either. I opted for a career in business economics. I came to this decision little by little. It was my father who aroused my interest in that field. You see, he is a chief economist at a large plant and I often saw him work at home and discuss business matters with his colleagues. To become a good specialist in economic matters and business one must know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credits, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trade business and, of course, marketing, which is a modern philosophy of business. It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You’ll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad. If I pass my entrance exams successfully and enter the University, I’ll try to study to the best of my abilities to achieve my life’s ambition and to justify the hopes of my parents. I also hope that I’ll never regret my choice and get a well-paid and interesting job afterwards. Maybe I should consider a job in a world of banking. There’s a surprisingly wide range to choose from, in the financial world. For example, I could work for a big international company, run my own company, write about economics as a financial journalist, run my own International Business Research Agency, raise money for charities or just sell famous paintings.
Выпишите из текста все существительные во множественном числе. Choosing an Occupation. There are many…
5. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите на русский язык. Поставьте 4 различных типов вопросов к тексту….
5. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите на русский язык. Поставьте 4 различных типов вопросов к тексту.
A Career in Business
Many office workers dream of working their way up to the top from messenger to president of the corporation. The way lies through middle management positions. Middle management includes junior executives, who may recommend action to management or see the company’s policies for their companies, especially those that involve finances. The top managers of the large corporations have a great deal of power and influence.
It is still possible to start out at the bottom and go all the way to the top. Because the financial operation of business is so important, some accountants become top executives. In companies where technology is important, people with engineering background can also rise to the top. Nowadays, however, education plays a central role in the selection of men and women for management jobs. Many US universities have courses in business administration. The graduates of these courses often start out in middle management jobs. From there they can easily be promoted if they show the necessary personality and ability.
Banking What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the world…
Banking What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the world of banking. There’s a surprisingly wide range to choose from — for example, I could work for a high-street bank. Let us see what’s what and who’s who. If to take the roof off a high-street bank, one can reveal that lots of people work behind the scenes in banks. There’s the clerical staff (sometimes called bank clerks), and their job includes sorting cheques, making sure that each customer receives a statement of his/ her account each month, keeping detailed up-to-date records of all bank’s business. The Enquiries, Desk. This is where you go if you need advice about the bank’s services. The Manager. This is the person in charge of the bank. She or he: (a) gives customers advice about their finances, (b) makes sure that the bank and its staff are working properly. The Small-Business Adviser. Banks provide a wide range of services to their customers. This includes advice for people with small businesses. «How do I start a business?» «How much money can I afford to borrow?» «How do I plan ahead to make my business successful?» These are questions like these, which the small-business adviser is there to answer. The Bank’s Computer System. Modem Banks keep all their financial data in computers. This makes it possible to check and provide information at the touch of button. The Foreign Exchange Desk. This is where you go to buy or sell foreign currency. The Vault. Money, important documents and valuable objects (e.g. paintings, jewellery) are kept here. Vaults have very thick walls and strong, steel doors with complex locks. Video Camera. Security is vital in banks. That’s why many of them use video cameras these days. They can’t stop robberies, but can film the robbers. The Cash Dispenser Machine. You need money but the bank’s closed? No problem — use the cash dispenser machine. All you have to do is: (a) put your cash-card into the machine, (b) tap in your personal identification number and the amount of money you want. A few seconds later the money appears. Thanks to machines like these, many banks are now open 24 hours a day. The Night-Safe. Shopkeepers and business people often can’t get to the bank until it’s closed. What do they do with money they’ve earned that day? They put in the night-safe — a strong metal box in the wall of the bank, which can be unlocked with a special key. So, money is an important part of everyday life. These days, money is hi-tech (modern, well-designed and sophisticated). We have notes and coins, which are specially made. We use credit cards. Banks and stock-exchanges can move millions at a touch of a button. So, money is universal — but why? The answer is very simple. Without it trade would be impossible, and people in any society need to exchange goods in order to survive. Questions: 1. What people work in a bank? 2. What does the job of the clerical staff involve? 3. What can you do at inquiries? 4. What does the manager do at the bank? 5. What questions does the small-business adviser answer? 6. Where can you buy or sell foreign currency? 7. Why is money universal?
98 participation aux projets internationaux etc. et etc.) 2.1 Контрольна робота для 2- гo курсу з англійської…
participation aux projets internationaux etc. et
2.1 Контрольна робота для 2- гo курсу з
англійської мови варіанти 2-А, 2-В.
1 .підручник Headway Pre-intermediate SB.
Oxford University Press, 1998.
( Units 1-14)
2. підручник Headway Pre-intermediate WB.
Oxford University Press, 1998.
( Units 1-14)
3. робочий зошит для 2-го курсу ( розробка
Variant 2A
1. Read the text below, then translate it in a written form.
A. Do you want to be successful? Do you wish you could become a
top athlete, a movie star? This article looks at on psychologist’s
view of how to achieve your dream.
B. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a skinny teenager living in Austria
when, against his parents’ wishes, he started weightlifting. Three
times a week he went to the local gym to train, end each evening he
worked out for several hours home. Today the champion
bodybuilder-turned actor has succeed in becoming one of the most
popular actors in the history of the 10.cinema and one of the richest
men in show business.Daniel Green’s teacher told the 17-eyar-old schoolboy he ‘would
go nowhere’. But Daniel was already sending high street clothes
shops samples of his 15. own fashion range.
By 22 he had contracts with 30 shops. To achieve his dream – of an
enormous store with all the designer brands under one roof- he spent
seven month in a small flat in London asking 150 leading designer
labels to buy his products.
C. Today the Brand Center shop he created is making millions of
pounds a year.
What brought two different people to the top of their professions?
Schwarzenegger put his finger on it when in a recent interview, he
was asked to explain his success. ‘Hard work,’ he said. ‘And lots of
discipline and positive thinking’.
D. Whatever you do, it’s important to have ambition and
determination . Those who rise to the topmost height in any field
aren’t just the ones with the greatest natural talent, or luck. They’re
ones who not only put in the hours but work effectively by creating
enough time for their work. They also learn to improve their weak
points instead of worrying about them.
E. Whatever your work or studies are, always promise yourself a
reward for what you have managed to achieve.
If you finish your day’s work, then you watch a film. If you do well
and your effort is noticed by those around you, be proud of yourself
and buy a new pair of trainers. This will inspire you to work even
a. Read the article and choose the best title (1-5) for each
paragraph A-E:
1. Finding time for your work
2. How to get to the top
3. Going nowhere fast
4. A teenage success
5. A question of luck
Read the text looking carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which…
Read the text looking carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (✔) at the end of the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, underline it and write the word at the end of the line. There are two examples at the beginning for you.
0 I am not sure what I’m going to do with myself 00 when I leave from school. Next week, our class are
1 having a meeting with the school careers officer from
2 who they say is he going to tell us all about the different
3 jobs available. We’ll also have be able to ask questions.
4 lam thinking of taking up evening classes to improve
5 my marks in Maths because of my dream is to become
6 a doctor. Although my parents don’t disagree with my
7 ambition they doubt whether I’m going for to get good
8 enough marks to get into university to do medicine. But
9 they don’t want to discourage me from so I think they’ll
10 agree with to the extra lessons. By the time I finish school
11 I will have been formed a much better idea of what I’d like
12 to do, but the problem is we are going to be have to
13 decide which subjects to study for university two years
14 before we will finish school. Anyway, whatever happens
15 I’m going to have to get on down to some hard work if
16 I want to achieve my aims
Дополните рассказ. Используйте артикли а/ ан или the там, где это необходимо: I took on my first job…
Дополните рассказ. Используйте артикли а/ ан или the там, где это необходимо: I took on my first job on (1). summer holidays. At (2). first, my parents were against (3). idea of me working. I didn’t really want to spend my summer working either, but it looked like (4) good op- portunity to get some experience and a bit of money. I was (5). sales assistant in a department store, and while it wasn’t (6). particularly challenging work, (7). store could be rather busy at weekends. I had a supervisor whom I really liked. He regularly kept (8) . eye on me to make sure I was doing (9). right job. To my surprise, I found (10) whole experience (11). great fun. I made (12). friends with one of the assistants and we often had (13). good laugh together as she told really funny jokes. That was (14). few years ago, and now I am (15). Managing Director of that same store
D? I O COMPLETE THE TEXT-uzupelni tekst czasem FOITURE SIMPLE My future (by Leticia) This year I. (finish)…
d? I O COMPLETE THE TEXT-uzupelni tekst czasem FOITURE SIMPLE My future (by Leticia) This year I. (finish) Secondary School, Hopefully, I . (pass) all my exams in June and I (start) university in September. I (study) languages but I (not, become) a teacher. I think I (work) as a tourist guide and I (travel around the world. I know I (not, be) rich but I (have) a very exciting life!
Закончите следующие предложения, используя will или be going to и любые другие необходимые слова. Иногда…
Закончите следующие предложения, используя will или be going to и любые другие необходимые слова. Иногда возможны оба варианта.
1. A I’ve got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?
B No, _________________ in the directory for you.
2. A What are you doing over the Easter holidays?
B Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.
3. A Did you hear the weather forecast?
B Yes. _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this afternoon, and this evening
_________________ some light showers.
4. A Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?
B It was cheap. We _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and we _____________ into
a restaurant. What do you think?
5. A If you are elected, what ________ your party ______ about unemployment?
B We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected, as we most certainly ________ be, we
__________ create half a million new jobs.
6. A What are you doing here? Annie’s expecting you for lunch.
B I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late. Thanks for reminding
7. A How will the proposed tax increase on petrol affect your business?
B To be perfectly honest, we haven’t thought about it yet. We ____________ cross that bridge when we
get to it.
Grammar: choose the right variant 1)Agriculture and manufacturing important in all industries. a)is…
Grammar: choose the right variant
1)Agriculture and manufacturing important in all industries.
a)is b) are c) have d) be
2)Consumers . for some services.
a)does not pay b) does not pays c) do not pay d) not pay
3) What is right for 3 298?
— two thousands two hundred and ninety eight
-two thousand two hundred and ninety eight
4)It is . to develop agriculture.
a)essential b) nice c) impossible
5) Producers study the market situation (чтобы знать) how many goods to produce. a)to know b) that to know c) to knowing
6)We … … economics last year.
a) didn’t studied b) weren’t studied c) didn’t study d) not studied
7)New workers ……… by the company every year.
a)are employed b) are employing c) employed d) do employ
8)What is right for 2004?
-twenty and four
-twenty oh four
-two thousand and four
9) Living conditions in this country are . than in my country.
a)badder b) more bad c) worst d) worse
10) The supply of fuel is the . problem for many European countries.
a)most serious b) more serious c) least serious d) serious
11) I have lived in this country . 5 years.
a) for b) since c) more d) —
12)They dont have competitors on this market.
a)some b) ever c) any d) a
13) I havent seen him . he graduated from university.
a)from time b) since c) yet d) for
14)Put the words into the right order: productivity increased recently company has The its.
15)Where . . . his articles last year?
a)did the scientist publish b) does the scientist publish c) has the scientist published
My future career essay 150 words (please)
My future career essay 150 words (please)
ДАЮ ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ Read the text in order to get some pieces of advice for the interviews.Use the words…
Read the text in order to get some pieces of advice for the interviews.Use the words given below , change them to form the words that fit the gaps to complete the sentences.
1-apply; 2-expect; 3- breathe; 4- happy; 5-confident; 6- profession; 7-explain; 8- private; 9-loyal; 10-advise.
Job Interview
Many people feel very nervous about job interviews because interviewers will analyse your .(¹) and you can do nothing but only live up to their .(²).Before you enter the interview room , take a deep .(³) If you think about something nice that brings you a feeling of .(⁴), then you will smile and give an impression of . (⁵).
Make sure that you take all the necessary papers with you . If you forget something , you can look .(⁶). If they ask why you left your last job , don’t give a long .(⁷). You have a right to your . (⁸) and so do your previous employers . Any future employer will like it if you show .(⁹)to your old boss . Take your time to answer questions and relax . If you follow this .(¹⁰) , you have a good chance of getting the job.
Дам сто (100) баллов внизу смотрите за качество иzвините;)
дам сто (100) баллов
внизу смотрите
за качество иzвините;)
Эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
эссе на тему Моя любимая страна на английском про Америку
Срочно! С каждым словом сделать предложение. Architect Cleaner Computer programmer Dentist Engineer…
С каждым словом сделать предложение.
Computer programmer
Factory worker
Tour guide
Badly paid
To make money
To manage
To put
To explore
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. yesterday / in / we / the / were / park . Sunday…
Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
yesterday / in / we / the / were / park .
Sunday / they / to / cinema / the / last / went.
spent / day / the / boating / boys / all.
did / your / shirt / yellow / buy / where / you ?
had / with / the / on /1 / dinner / night / family / Tuesday .
play / football / the / didn’t / Keith / in / street.
abroad / did / last / travel / summer / you ?
Ответьте пожалуйста(10б)
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch)…
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. She ………….(get) up at 5:00. She …………….(not/watch) a DVD in the evening. He ………….(have) a cup of tea in the eveving. He ………………(not/go) to bed at 10:00.
У кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
у кого есть ответ можете дать пж пж
Образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
образуй степени прилагательных:kind,dirty, big, large, good, happy,sad,bad, sunny,clean.
Whereas, their preparation considerable physical effort and great artistry. Therefore, I am happy with…
Whereas, their preparation
considerable physical effort and great artistry.
Therefore, I am happy with every
of my favourite sportsmen as my own.
However, it is necessary for
new records
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Помогите пожалуйста сделать срочноо!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
Какое время?Barbara has been going her make-up for half an hour but hasn’t finished. Срочно!пожалуйста!
Решение задачи по Выпишите из текста все существительные во множественном числе. Choosing an Occupation. There are many interesting and useful professions, and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. I began to think about my future profession at the age of 15. My favourite subjects at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were well-educated people with deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. Now I know well what I'm going to do after leaving school. I didn't make a blind choice. It was not a sudden flash either. I opted for a career in business economics. I came to this decision little by little. It was my father who aroused my interest in that field. You see, he is a chief economist at a large plant and I often saw him work at home and discuss business matters with his colleagues. To become a good specialist in economic matters and business one must know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credits, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trade business and, of course, marketing, which is a modern philosophy of business. It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You'll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad. If I pass my entrance exams successfully and enter the University, I'll try to study to the best of my abilities to achieve my life's ambition and to justify the hopes of my parents. I also hope that I'll never regret my choice and get a well-paid and interesting job afterwards. Maybe I should consider a job in a world of banking. There's a surprisingly wide range to choose from, in the financial world. For example, I could work for a big international company, run my own company, write about economics as a financial journalist, run my own International Business Research Agency, raise money for charities or just sell famous paintings. для школьников 5 - 9 класс. Узнайте, как решить задачу, читайте обсуждения и ответы на тему Английский язык. Ответы на этот вопрос уже добавлены. Наш сайт предоставляет вам возможность задавать вопросы и помогать другим стать лучше.