Автор: nikt0ria02
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
Напишите пж ответы на вопросы.
Автор: dahalavrenuk18
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
3 Complete the questions. Then circle the correct answers. 1 What should we do to save energy? a (We should use solar energy. b We should throw our trash in the trash can. 2 What a We should recycle our cans. 3 What a We should write on both sides. 4 a We should reuse and recycle. 5 a We should collect rainwater for our yards. save water? b We should take showers, not baths. paper? b We should use solar energy. waste? b We should do less homework. gas? b We should use less hot water.
Автор: lenysivc
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
Пж помогите ответить на вопросы!
Автор: artemgorpa132
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс Answer the questions. Why should we avoid using our cars? What means of transport are less harmful to the environment? 3 What can we do if we can’t use an item again? 4 Who can help you to clean up your neighbourhood? 5 Why are trees important? 2 1 2 6 What should we do if we see rubbish on the ground? 7 THINK! What do we need to do to keep our own neighbourhood clean? In three minutes write a few sentences. Read them to your partner. 8 What is the author’s attitude?
Автор: vladsavkin03
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
1. Which vegetable is NOT mentioned in the reading passage? *
1 балл
A) onion
B) broccoli
C) leeks
D) potatoes
2. According to the text, what does the word “organic” mean? *
1 балл
A) people cook vegetables when they are ready
B) taps that people use to water the plants
C) a vegetable garden
D) people do not utilize chemicals to kill insects or help the plants grow
3. How does Mark’s school help the environment? *
1 балл
A) by saving water
B) by recycling rubbish and saving paper
C) by saving electricity
D) by protecting animals
4. How many paper sheets did Mark’s class make at school? *
1 балл
A) 11
B) 100
C) 15
D) 10
5. What does Hanna’s school use to save electricity? *
1 балл
A) posters
B) ordinary bulbs
C) energy-saving light bulbs
D) paper sheets
Автор: maximturik121212
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
С этими предложениями надо составить вопросы.
1 предложение=1 вопросу
Использовать общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный вопросы.
Использовать текст, тот что обведен
Автор: erikasinitsina60
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
2) 7. Discuss the questions below with your partner or in small groups.
How will people spend their time on each of the holidays from
exercise 4?
What will they see?
What are the best things about each holiday?
можно пж ответ
Автор: nimamqulievha
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
1. Why is it advisable to replace regular light bulbs with more efficient ones? 2. Give examples of items that can be composted. 3. What should we do with the composted product? 4. Why should we should resistant toys? 5. What should we carry with us when we go shopping? 6. (Personal Answer) Which instruction / advice do you consider the most important? Justify.
Автор: liaskivskaviktoriia
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
Write questions to the following answers.
1) When _________________________________________?
My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.
2) What _________________________________________?
My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.
3) How often _________________________________________?
This newspaper is issued once a week.
4) When _________________________________________?
Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide ra-
dio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.
Помогите пожалуйста
Автор: zaitsev5vladimir26
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 1 - 4 класс
помогите пжпжпжжпжпжжпжпжжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжп
Из заданных слов нужно составишь предложения/ вопросы
1)We use more energy to recycle tuees.
2)Recycle paper is important because we need paper to write , and fossil fuels , and other things a hich we can make oftrees.
3)It’s more dangerous for nature because we don’t plants enough new trees to take their places
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