Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ Report the sentences in indirect speech. 1. «I shall go with you,» said the Scarecrow….

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс


Report the sentences in indirect speech.

1. «I shall go with you,» said the Scarecrow.

2. «There are strangers in my country!» cried the Witch.

3. «I don’t like the strangers in my country,» said the Witch.

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • asel1987jolaeva
    05.07.2024 | 20:22

    1. The Scarecrow said that he should go with me
    2. The Witch cried that there were strangers in her country
    3. The Witch said that she didn’t like the strangers in her country

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:p :-p 8) 8-) :lol: =( :( :-( :8 ;) ;-) :(( :o:
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Ищете решение задачи по ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ Report the sentences in indirect speech. 1. "I shall go with you," said the Scarecrow. 2. "There are strangers in my country!" cried the Witch. 3. "I don't like the strangers in my country," said the Witch.? Узнайте, как решить задачу для школьников 5 - 9 класс, и читайте обсуждения на тему Английский язык. Ответы уже доступны. Задавайте свои вопросы и становитесь частью нашего сообщества экспертов!