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(D) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects using a few sentences….

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий

(d) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects using a few sentences. Remember to use your linking words.

1. CAUSE: terrorist attack; bomb explosion EFFECT: people killed; families grieving; multiple funerals

2. CAUSE: global warming

EFFECT: heat waves in summer; people fainting; overcrowding in hospitals

(e) Write a paragraph in which you explain

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • GulMamad99
    27.11.2024 | 23:51

    1) The terrorist attack killed people
    Bomb explosion led to multiple funerals that grieve families
    2) Due to the heat waves caused by global warming, people fainted in the summer, leading to overcrowding in hospitals.

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Ищете решение задачи по (d) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects using a few sentences. Remember to use your linking words. 1. CAUSE: terrorist attack; bomb explosion EFFECT: people killed; families grieving; multiple funerals 2. CAUSE: global warming EFFECT: heat waves in summer; people fainting; overcrowding in hospitals (e) Write a paragraph in which you explain для студенческий? На странице вы найдете не только подробное объяснение задачи, но и обсуждения от других участников. Ответы на этот вопрос уже добавлены. Этот вопрос относится к Английский язык, и помогает разобраться в теме (d) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects using a few sentences. Remember to use your linking words. 1. CAUSE: terrorist attack; bomb explosion EFFECT: people killed; families grieving; multiple funerals 2. CAUSE: global warming EFFECT: heat waves in summer; people fainting; overcrowding in hospitals (e) Write a paragraph in which you explain. На нашем сайте вы можете задать собственный вопрос и получить помощь от опытных экспертов.