Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

Сроооччнооо! Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям: 1. Не is going to read this…

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 10 - 11 класс

Сроооччнооо! Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям: 1. Не is going to read this newspaper at the office. 2.She is going to give her sister this picture. 3. They are going to take computers out of these boxes. 4. We are going to meet our friends in the park. 5.They are going to put pictures into the box. 6.He is going to open a new office in Moscow. 7. They are going to write a new interesting book. 8. She is going to find her brother.

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • katiayusypyshena
    21.06.2024 | 08:23

     1.Is  Не going to read this newspaper at the office?
    What is he going to read at the office?
    2. Is  She going to give her sister this picture?
    What Is  She going to give her sister?
     3. are They  going to take computers  out of these boxes?
    What are They  going to take out of these boxes?
    4.are We  going to meet our friends in the park. 
    Where are We  going to meet our friends ?
    5.are They going to put pictures into the box. 
    What are They going to put  into the box?
    6.isHe  going to open a new office in Moscow?
    Where isHe  going to open a new office?
    7. are They  going to write a new interesting book?
    What kind of book are They  going to write ?
    8.  is She going to find her brother?
    What is she going to do?

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:p :-p 8) 8-) :lol: =( :( :-( :8 ;) ;-) :(( :o:
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Нужен ответ на задачу по Сроооччнооо! Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям: 1. Не is going to read this newspaper at the office. 2.She is going to give her sister this picture. 3. They are going to take computers out of these boxes. 4. We are going to meet our friends in the park. 5.They are going to put pictures into the box. 6.He is going to open a new office in Moscow. 7. They are going to write a new interesting book. 8. She is going to find her brother.? Прочитайте решения и обсудите их с другими участниками. Задача относится к Английский язык и поможет вам разобраться в Сроооччнооо! Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям: 1. Не is going to read this newspaper at the office. 2.She is going to give her sister this picture. 3. They are going to take computers out of these boxes. 4. We are going to meet our friends in the park. 5.They are going to put pictures into the box. 6.He is going to open a new office in Moscow. 7. They are going to write a new interesting book. 8. She is going to find her brother. для школьников 10 - 11 класс. Ответы на этот вопрос уже добавлены. Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу, задавайте вопросы и получайте ответы от экспертов!