Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

Помогите пожалуста,дам 50 балов

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 10 - 11 класс

Помогите пожалуста,дам 50 балов

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • Milana10005
    23.05.2024 | 23:49

    What does it mean for an animal to be considered extinct?
    — When an entire species, or type, of animal dies out, that species is extinct. Once a species becomes extinct, it is gone forever

    How did the woolly mammoth become extinct?
    — Scientists do not know what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoth, but some believe that growing numbers of human beings hunted and killed too many of the animals or their prey. Another theory is that the climate changed and affected the availability of food

    What are some natural causes of extinction?
    — The most common cause of extinction is a sudden, serious change in a species’ habitat. Floods, fires, droughts, volcanoes, and other natural events may be causes

    How did human interaction contribute to the extinction of the dodo bird?
    — The dodo bird was hunted to extinction by humans

    Why did the passenger pigeon become extinct?
    — The passenger pigeon was hunted to extinction by humans. Commercial hunters killed them in vast numbers, eventually decimating the population

    What are some human activities that lead to animal endangerment?
    — People clear forests and drain wetlands. They build dams that disrupt the flow of rivers. They build cities on land that animals need to survive. They also create harmful pollution. Some species have been hunted to extinction. People can cause extinctions more directly as well

    Why are endangered animals at risk of becoming extinct?
    — Endangered animals are at risk of becoming extinct because their populations are small and declining, and they face threats such as habitat loss, hunting, and pollution.

    How are endangered animals different from extinct animals?
    — Endangered animals are still alive, but their populations are small and declining, and they face threats such as habitat loss, hunting, and pollution. Extinct animals no longer exist.

    Can you name some of the most endangered animals in the world?
    — Some of the most endangered animals in the world include the black rhinoceros, the mountain gorilla, the Sumatran orangutan, the Amur leopard, and the vaquita porpoise.

    Why are some endangered animals only found in zoos or animal preserves?
    — Some endangered animals are only found in zoos or animal preserves because their populations in the wild have become so small that they are at risk of extinction. Zoos and animal preserves can provide a safe environment for these animals to breed and increase their populations[5].

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