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Task 2.Reading A)Read the text. Tick the correct box. text is about. 1. how sport can change your life….

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий

Task 2.Reading A)Read the text. Tick the correct box. text is about. 1. how sport can change your life. 2. how to The improve at table tennis. 3. one player’s plans and ambitions A.Damien Short grew up in a poor part of London, where there was a lot of crime and other problems. But today Damien is a champion and he competes in international tournaments. So what happened to change his situation ? He became very good at table tennisl Sporting talent is in Damien’s family. His brother is a motorbike racing champion! B. Now Damien trains at the National Table Tennis Academy in Nottingham , and he plays for the British team. His big ambition is to win a gold medal at the next Olympics. I know I’ll do well there,’ he says. «I’m going to work hard every day, to make sure I’ll be in great condition for the games «. C.Damien’s training is already very intensive. Next week, he’s playing against the Indian national team. And later this year, he’s going on a training tour of China, the world’s top table tennis nation. ‘ China will be amazing,’ says Damien. ‘ Millions of people support the national team, and the crowds at tournaments are enormous. The atmosphere is really exciting for the competitors. This trip will be a big learning experience for me. D. Damien says that kids should play more sport. ‘ Have a go at something new,» he suggests. You’ve got nothing to lose, and you never know — it could change your life!» СРОЧНО!​

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • Larisa4567
    02.07.2024 | 21:16

    The text is about 1 how sport can change your life.
    Фрагмент из текста:

    «‘Have a go at something new,’ he suggests. ‘You’ve got nothing to lose, and you never know – it could change your life!’

    «Попробуйте что-нибудь новенькое», — предлагает он. «Тебе нечего терять, и кто знает, это может изменить твою жизнь!»

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:p :-p 8) 8-) :lol: =( :( :-( :8 ;) ;-) :(( :o:
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Задача по Task 2.Reading A)Read the text. Tick the correct box. text is about. 1. how sport can change your life. 2. how to The improve at table tennis. 3. one player's plans and ambitions A.Damien Short grew up in a poor part of London, where there was a lot of crime and other problems. But today Damien is a champion and he competes in international tournaments. So what happened to change his situation ? He became very good at table tennisl Sporting talent is in Damien's family. His brother is a motorbike racing champion! B. Now Damien trains at the National Table Tennis Academy in Nottingham , and he plays for the British team. His big ambition is to win a gold medal at the next Olympics. I know I'll do well there,' he says. "I'm going to work hard every day, to make sure I'll be in great condition for the games ". C.Damien's training is already very intensive. Next week, he's playing against the Indian national team. And later this year, he's going on a training tour of China, the world's top table tennis nation. ' China will be amazing,' says Damien. ' Millions of people support the national team, and the crowds at tournaments are enormous. The atmosphere is really exciting for the competitors. This trip will be a big learning experience for me. D. Damien says that kids should play more sport. ' Have a go at something new," he suggests. You've got nothing to lose, and you never know - it could change your life!" СРОЧНО!​ для школьников студенческий? Читайте обсуждения и ответы на тему Английский язык. Ответы на этот вопрос уже есть. Присоединяйтесь к нам, задавайте вопросы и делитесь своими знаниями с другими участниками.