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I. Read the text and circle the correct answer. A Rabbit and Her Kittens One day, Melanie, a nurse at…

Автор: gunnik2
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий

I. Read the text and circle the correct answer.
A Rabbit and Her Kittens
One day, Melanie, a nurse at an animal hospital, found six tiny kittens. Their
mother was nowhere to be seen.
Melanie took the kittens home. She thought her pet cat would look after them.
Instead, she got a big surprise. Her cat wasn’t interested in the kittens. And the
kittens weren’t interested in the cat. It was Melanie’s pet rabbit, Summer, that was
the star
«The kittens love their new rabbit mom. They don’t leave her alone,» says Melanie.
«It’s amazing. They climb all over her and look to get milk from her. Summer just
sits there and lets them do it.»
The kittens follow the rabbit everywhere. They don’t like to be without her.
«They are all so cute together,» says Melanie. «The kittens may start hopping
1. What was the rabbit’s name?
a) Bunny
b) Melanie
c) Summer
2. Where does Melanie work?
a) at an animal hospital
b) at a pet store
c) at a zoo​

Ответов к вопросу: 2
  • ovchinnikovgrisha998
    23.05.2024 | 14:20

    2.A)at an animal hospital

  • milenabelkina10
    23.05.2024 | 14:40

    Ответ:1. c) Summer
    Это сказано в предложении «It was Melanie’s pet rabbit, Summer.»
    2. a) at an animal hospital
    Это сказано в первом предложении: «One day, Melanie, a nurse at an animal hospital, found six tiny kittens»

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Не можете решить задачу по I. Read the text and circle the correct answer. A Rabbit and Her Kittens One day, Melanie, a nurse at an animal hospital, found six tiny kittens. Their mother was nowhere to be seen. Melanie took the kittens home. She thought her pet cat would look after them. Instead, she got a big surprise. Her cat wasn't interested in the kittens. And the kittens weren't interested in the cat. It was Melanie's pet rabbit, Summer, that was the star "The kittens love their new rabbit mom. They don't leave her alone," says Melanie. "It's amazing. They climb all over her and look to get milk from her. Summer just sits there and lets them do it." The kittens follow the rabbit everywhere. They don't like to be without her. "They are all so cute together," says Melanie. "The kittens may start hopping soon!" 1. What was the rabbit's name? a) Bunny b) Melanie c) Summer 2. Where does Melanie work? a) at an animal hospital b) at a pet store c) at a zoo​? На странице есть несколько вариантов решения задачи для школьников студенческий. Ответы уже доступны. Задавайте вопросы, получайте помощь и становитесь экспертом, помогая другим ученикам разобраться в сложных темах.