Write a program that lets you know if you can have a key or not, based on your role at the school.
First ask for the user’s role at the school. They can be a student, administrator, or a teacher. (And remember that capitalization is important! ‘Student’ is not the same as ‘student’.)
Example 1: Administrator or Teacher
For example, if this was the input:
Are you an administrator, teacher, or student?: teacher
This should be the output:
Administrators and teachers get keys!
Example 2: Student
And if this was the input:
Are you an administrator, teacher, or student?: student
This should be the output:
Students do not get keys!
(Note: You should also be able to handle a situation where the user enters a value other than administrator, teacher or student and tell them they must be one of the three choices!)
Example 3: Other
If they input anything else:
Are you an administrator, teacher, or student?: secretary
This should be the output:
You can only be an administrator, teacher, or student!
Var k, m, t : integer; Dat: array[1.10] of integer; Begin Dat[1] := 36; Dat[2] := 50; Dat[3] := 23; Dat[4] :=41;Dat[5] := 27; Dat[6] := 22;Dat[7] := 59; Dat[8] := 12; Dat[9] := 65; Dat[10] := 35; m := 0; for k := 1 to 10 do if Dat[k] >m then begin m := Dat[k]; t := kend; writeln(‘m = ‘,m, ‘ t= ‘,t) End.