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3 Fill in: cells, chromosomes, genetics, radioactivity, sections, theory. 1 The study of how you inherit…

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий

3 Fill in: cells, chromosomes, genetics,

radioactivity, sections, theory.

1 The study of how you inherit genes from your

parents is known as .

2 Marie Curie is famous for her research on

3 DNA is made up of numerous short

called genes.

4 The number of . in your body is in the


5 The scientist explained her

as to how

replacing genes will help people.

6 You receive 23 . from your father and

23 from your mother.

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • iakaiaraznika
    19.11.2024 | 18:53

    1)The study of how you inherit genes from your parents is known as genetics.(Наука,что изучает внаследование генов от твоих родителей,известна как генетика.)
    2)The number of cells in your body is in the trillions.(В человеческом теле трилиард клеток.)
    3)You recieve 23 chromosomes from your father and 23 from your mother.
    (Ти получаеш 23 хромосомы от папы и 23 от мамы.)
    4)Maria Curie is famous for her research on radioactivity.
    5)DNA is made up of numerous short sections called genes
    6)theory(Извини,не знаю как првильно подставить.У тебя есть пропуск в 5,поставь theory)


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Не можете решить задачу по 3 Fill in: cells, chromosomes, genetics, radioactivity, sections, theory. 1 The study of how you inherit genes from your parents is known as . 2 Marie Curie is famous for her research on 3 DNA is made up of numerous short called genes. 4 The number of . in your body is in the trillions. 5 The scientist explained her as to how replacing genes will help people. 6 You receive 23 . from your father and 23 from your mother. ? На странице есть несколько вариантов решения задачи для школьников студенческий. Ответы уже доступны. Задавайте вопросы, получайте помощь и становитесь экспертом, помогая другим ученикам разобраться в сложных темах.