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memory. She often went without food and sleep to study. Her brilliant mind led her to Paris to study and conduct her research.
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deeper into her work and won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. She spent the 1920s raising
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to win two Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. Other achievements
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funds for more research into radium. In 1934 she died from a condition caused by decades of
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genius and instantly wanted to work with her. They got married and spent most of their time together in their
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influence on Marie’s early education. From an early age Marie was an exceptional student with an amazing
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She met her future husband Pierre Curie at the university. He considered Marie to be a
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laboratory studying radioactive materials. Their research led to the discovery of
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Marie Curie was born in 1867. She is one of the greatest scientists ever to have lived. She was a pioneer
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exposure to radiation. No one knew how deadly radium was until years later.
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radium, for which they were honoured with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.
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Pierre was killed in 1906 and Marie was devastated and extremely lonely. She threw herself even
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in the field of radioactivity and discovered the chemical elements radium and polonium. Curie is the only person ever
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include being the first female professor at the University of Paris.
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Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her father was a maths and physics teacher and was a big
1)The study of how you inherit genes from your parents is known as genetics.(Наука,что изучает внаследование генов от твоих родителей,известна как генетика.)
2)The number of cells in your body is in the trillions.(В человеческом теле трилиард клеток.)
3)You recieve 23 chromosomes from your father and 23 from your mother.
(Ти получаеш 23 хромосомы от папы и 23 от мамы.)
4)Maria Curie is famous for her research on radioactivity.
5)DNA is made up of numerous short sections called genes
6)theory(Извини,не знаю как првильно подставить.У тебя есть пропуск в 5,поставь theory)