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3. Arrange the dialogue in the correct order. 3. Зазначте правильну послідовність реплік у діалозі….

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс

3. Arrange the dialogue in the correct order. 3. Зазначте правильну послідовність реплік у діалозі. 1.A. — As for me, I listen to all kinds of music, even to music my parent listen to. For example, the Beatles, a British pop group.2. B. — Yes, you are right. It was the birth of the new pop culture. It influenced the musical culture of most countries of the western world. By the way do you remember their name? 3.C. — What kind of music do you prefer? 4.D. Sorry for interrupting you. I also like Beatles. Their music is based on rock-and- roll exported from the USA by singers like Elvis Presley, but it is very different from anything, which has come from the American side of the Atlantic. 5.E. Of course, I do. George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.6.F. It depends on my mood. Mostly I like rock and pop music. But sometimes I am in the mood to listen to the classical or country music. And what about you? ​

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • noel030412
    28.11.2024 | 13:12

    The correct order of the dialogue is as follows:

    3. C. — What kind of music do you prefer?
    1. A. — As for me, I listen to all kinds of music, even to music my parents listen to. For example, the Beatles, a British pop group.
    5. E. — Of course, I do. George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr.
    4. D. — Sorry for interrupting you. I also like the Beatles. Their music is based on rock-and-roll exported from the USA by singers like Elvis Presley, but it is very different from anything that has come from the American side of the Atlantic.
    2. B. — Yes, you are right. It was the birth of the new pop culture. It influenced the musical culture of most countries of the western world. By the way, do you remember their name?
    6. F. — It depends on my mood. Mostly I like rock and pop music. But sometimes I am in the mood to listen to classical or country music. And what about you?

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