Блог для маленьких школьников и их родителей

Хелп завтра сдать надо

Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий

хелп завтра сдать надо

Ответов к вопросу: 1
  • andrei2004015
    26.07.2024 | 20:49

    a) You can carry this case. It’s quite light. — L
    b) Can I have a quiet room in the hotel? I’m a light sleeper. — I

    a) Look at those sheep. They have the spitting image faces. — I
    b) He’s the sheep of the family he’s been in prison twice. — I

    a) I’m not keen on rap but I love metal. — L
    b) These books are give me a hand? Can you — I (the second sentence seems incomplete or contains an error)

    a) We walked for hills. across the — I

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:p :-p 8) 8-) :lol: =( :( :-( :8 ;) ;-) :(( :o:
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