Автор: fxusanova69
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
Task 5 (15 points).
Fill in the gaps with was/were and choose the correct adjective.
1) When I saw a big angry dog, I ___________ frightened/embarrassed.
2) When I told her that they were going to Disneyland, she ____________ ecstatic/sad.
3) When he made a mistake in front of the whole class, he ____________ confident/embarrassed.
4) After they worked hard for the whole day, they _____________ confused/tired.
5) When my sister broke down my game console, I ___________ happy/angry.
Автор: Andrey13371337
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 1 - 4 класс
1) Make sentences by using these verbs: began, moved, became, lit, vanished 2) Write your answer for the question: Do you feel sorry for Morlocks?
Автор: aloxontillaxojayev
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 10 - 11 класс
Feelings 5 10.6.3 Read the sentences and choose the correct adjective.
1 He couldn’t believe that his friends had reached the port safely. (lucky/relieved) 2 She still has no idea what happened that day. (awful/ confused) 3 He wished that he had someone to talk to. (lonely/afraid) 4 She felt awful about the terrible mistake she had made. (furious/ashamed) 5 He couldn’t help thinking about what might go wrong. (tired/worried) 6 She wasn’t at all interested in the tour. (bored/scared)
Автор: merejakimzanova0
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 5 - 9 класс
Shared worried tired exhausting
Look at the bold words. Which describe how someone feels?
Автор: lili3797
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 10 - 11 класс
Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions
1). A law has been passed to prevent hunters a) __________ killing any more tigers because they are threatened b) ______________ extinction.
2). My uncle suffers c) _____________ multiple sclerosis and is dependent d) ________ my aunt to look after him.
3). His proposal sounded very attractive e)__________ me, so I decided to invest f) ______________ his company.
4). The RSPCA is fighting g) _____________ the rights of animals in order to protect them h) _____________ cruelty.
5). Our dog seems to understand everything we say — i) ______________ a sense, he’s almost human!
Автор: AlexanderChuprikov
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
pls help fill in words some, maybe,
______ I can go to the dance
_____ people are just annoying
Автор: IraLuntiK
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
Переведите предложения, не использую переводчик, который переводит не адекватно! Надеюсь очень на людей, который с английским дружат. Заранее спасибо.
1) To remove an employee from a job.
2) The condition of being unable to use part of the
3) Payment made by someone to cover the cost of
damage or hardship.
4) The failure to give proper care to something,
especially a duty or responsibility, with the result
that a person or property is harmed.
5) To be more than a particular number or
6) Money paid to add to a sum that already
exists, or money paid to help someone do
7) Adjective referring to parents.
A statement, usually given in evidence, that
something is true
Автор: sergejskodin716
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 1 - 4 класс
Task 3. Find five words from the crossword
Автор: kirq2019
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: студенческий
5. Fill in the gaps with the idioms containing the word face.
1. _____ the idea seemed great.
2. He was suddenly _____ difficulties.
3. I don’t know what kind of card it is because it lies ____.
4. Let’s _____: you can’t pass this test.
5. Sometimes little children take ____ the words of other people.
6. When she heard the news her ____.
7. He had to ____ when his opponent started revealing the truth.
8. How can the _____ change because of global warming?
Автор: gogogo2196
Предмет: Английский язык
Уровень: 10 - 11 класс
Match the words below with their definitions. There are two extra words.
Write one word in each gap.
mean, nearly, celebrate, excited, terrifying, absolutely, delicious
Surprised and happy
To express an idea
Almost, not completely
Very scary
I was moved to tears of pity and deep empathy.