1. Types of questions. ( Записати на кожне речення по 5 видів питань-
загальне, альтернативне, розділове, спеціальне, та питання до
1. She lived in Belgium in 2002.
2. They have been walking in the park since 7p.m.
3. His parents drink coffee in the morning.
2. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.( Записати три форми ступенів
порівняння прикметників)
Warm, nice, wide, easy, healthy, good, young, light, famous, difficult, fast
3. Tenses ( Записати кожне речення в
стверджувальній, заперечній та питальній формах. Розкрити
дужки та написати всі речення у потрібному часі. Звертайте
увагу на показник часу )
1. They (to discuss) an important article at the moment.
2. Students (to discuss) the question for 30 minutes.
3. They (to discuss) important questions at the meeting every Wednesday.
4. They (to make) a very important decision!
5. The boys (to discuss) the plan 2 days ago.
6. The students (to write) the test paper for 2 hours.
4. Поставте наступні речення в Passive Voice :
1. They invited me to a party last week.
2. She is cleaning the room now.
3. They will wash the car tomorrow.
5.Вставити прийменники часу, напрямку та місця.
1. They are …… the room.
2. — Where are you going?
— We are going ……the shop to buy some bread.
3. When are you going to return back ……. London?
4. He was born …. May.
5. She was born …… autumn.
6. I was born …. the 27th …….April.
7. Let’s meet ……. 9 AM.
8. I have my lessons of French …… Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
9. They were …… Japan…… 1999.
10. They stopped …. the traffic lights.
She asked me to give her my telephone number.
She asked me to call her the next day.
She asked me to come and see her the following week.
Write — wrote
Was writing — had been writing
Wrote — had written
Have written — had written
Will be writing — would be writing
Had written — had written
Had been writing — had been writing